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Desafío Enfoque Cumple en semana aniversario

ManMohan Sodhi, Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management at Cass Business School, discusses the possible benefits.

Horarios 2024 rigen desde el lunes 4 de marzo

ManMohan Sodhi, Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management at Cass Business School, discusses the possible benefits.

Exos Education llega a Montevideo y estará en Enfoque

Llega al Uruguay Exos Education con un curso imperdible destinado a preparadores físicos, entrenadores, fisioterapeutas y docentes…

Escuela de Fútbol finalizó participación en Liga Confraternidad

ManMohan Sodhi, Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management at Cass Business School, discusses the possible benefits.

Inolvidable Silent Yoga en Ciudad Deportiva

ManMohan Sodhi, Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management at Cass Business School, discusses the possible benefits.

Clase abierta de Acrobacia en Telas

ManMohan Sodhi, Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management at Cass Business School, discusses the possible benefits.

Primer torneo de Truco fue un éxito

ManMohan Sodhi, Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management at Cass Business School, discusses the possible benefits.

Gran éxito de la primera 5K Enfoque Run

ManMohan Sodhi, Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management at Cass Business School, discusses the possible benefits.

Gimnasia Artística compitió en club Celta

ManMohan Sodhi, Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management at Cass Business School, discusses the possible benefits.

22 de octubre 5K RUN ENFOQUE

ManMohan Sodhi, Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management at Cass Business School, discusses the possible benefits.