As long as you buy the thread once, you can use it forever, It is all yours.
When you buy a theme, you will receive free lifetime updates for the theme, forever after.
All the plugins included in your theme are free and you can enjoy all their features.
The translation is ready, so you just need to add the translation file. All in theme document.
With Elementor, everything will be done visually and without code to build your site easier. Never again work on the backend and guess what the frontend will look like. You edit the page and simultaneously see exactly how it looks like.
you can install the demo with just one click, very fast and convenient so you can customize and enjoy your website in no time.
Peaker comes with bundles of plugin solutions on the market to work with WordPress. Just buy the theme and you will get those premium plugins for free.
Make in-depth training program descriptions, feature classes in comprehensive tables, before & after, present your gym and trainers – Peaker has predesigned layouts for all this & more.
Our aim is the satisfaction of customers. If you have any questions, or need help with Moana, just contact us and our support team.
You will get a lifetime free updates to the theme. Updates may contain various theme improvements, fixes for any bugs or theme issues.
Theme is translation ready so you just add a translation file and it works seamlessly, easy using Free Polylang plugin.
Our theme customization theme allows you to customize theme elements instantly to your liking, which is great, isn't it.
Steeler supports all major browsers and will behave identically on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera and Internet Explorer.
Get more visitors by making your website content fully visible to search engines. Customers will know you better.
With the plugins available in the theme you will not have to spend extra money to buy them anymore, you will save that $ 120.
You customize the font style with Google Webfont, Typekit, Dafont, Myfont, or upload your own custom font file.
Our theme is lighter and faster than other music related themes in the market. light and fast Elementor Builder Theme
Mejorar la calidad de vida, generando conciencia deportiva a partir del desarrollo de actividades físicas, basadas en la calidad, respeto, orden y sentido de pertenencia.
Ser una institución líder que se identifique con mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas.