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his is our all-rounder. In Interval Training you’ll find complete beginners and marathon winners.

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One weight is all it takes. Delete distraction and zero in on results with a next-generation HIIT weight training class that strips your training to the core.

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personal trainer

One weight is all it takes. Delete distraction and zero in on results with a next-generation HIIT weight training class that strips your training to the core.

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transformation process

One weight is all it takes. Delete distraction and zero in on results with a next-generation HIIT weight training class that strips your training to the core.

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Our Classes

From Cardio or Strength Training to Toning or Yoga, CityFitness has a fitness class tailored to your specific health & fitness goals. See our classes today.
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Volley Enseñanza

volleyENSEÑANZA NIÑOS Y ADOLESCENTES Home VOLLEY Pueden disfrutar del volley personas de todas las edades y niveles…

Box Adolescentes

box ADOLESCENTES Home box ADOLESCENTES Entrenamiento de box en Sala Oasis de Ciudad Deportiva (sede Abreu). Se…


volley JÓVENES – ADULTOS Home VOLLEY Pueden disfrutar del volley personas de todas las edades y niveles…

Escuela de Fútbol

escuela de fútbol NIÑOS DE 5 A 15 AÑOS Home escuela de fútbol horarios fútbol social lunes…

Escuela de Basket

escuela de basket  NIÑOS Y NIÑAS Home ESCUELA DE BASKET Impartimos conocimientos, técnica, valores y encuentro en…
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HANDBALl JÓVENES – ADULTOS Home HANDBALL En Handball, la condición atlética, fuerza, coordinación, velocidad, rapidez, técnicas creativas,…

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